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Working With Qualified and Certified Osteopaths Melbourne


Melbourne Esteohealth is an industry leader when it comes to understanding the human body and holistic health. Our specialists employ a multi-disciplinary approach to create customized treatments that meet every client’s needs. We assess and treat osteopath related conditions like hip injuries, disc bulges, back pain, and shoulder pain. The Physiotherapists and osteopaths Melbourne haven’t relaxed yet. We keep on up-skilling to stay updated on the most recent techniques for aiding in recovery. Our team aims to enhance rehabilitation, advising every client, so they realize the best outcome.

Who Are We?

Melbourne Esteohealth is a team of motivated and caring therapists dedicated to providing excellent health care services. Our team takes part in ongoing learning and evidence-based practices, so we aim to deliver unmatched health care treatments. Our therapists are active members of APA, and AOA, and intends to commit to advancing their skills. We are all active in competitive sports and know how to handle injuries and bruises secured from accidents in these sports. Our team is qualified and trained to use multiple kinds of therapies, including dry needling, manipulation, exercise rehabilitation, and soft tissue therapy.

What Do We Specialize In

The osteopaths we have will diagnose and treat injuries and pains withthe use of manual non-invasive techniques. Some of the main methods our therapists have got training and certification in providing include orthopedic, soft tissue manipulation, stretching muscles, neurological testing, message, and joint adjustments. All hands-on treatments are offered together with specially toiled exercise, dietary, and lifestyle guidance. We do give high-quality and customized treatment services that aim to influence your condition and bring positive results.

Our osteopathic treatments are aimed at enhancing the mobility of the joints, encouraging quick healing, and relieving muscle tension. The procedure is also tailored to patients who have circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic systems problems.

What We Pride In

  • Unmatched customer care and optimal satisfaction—every customer’s needs are attended to uniquely using specially-tailored techniques and treatments.
  • Quality customer care and service—each of our customers is given top priority with all of their queries attended to instantly.
  • We are multi-disciplinary practicing healthcare specialists—we are Melbourne’s top multi-disciplinary practice health care dedicated to providing unique and customized services like Pilates, Osteopathy, hand therapy, cycling analysis, and physiotherapy.
  • Advanced learning and training—we invest in ongoing training by taking advanced courses. We understand each of the latest osteopathic techniques and treatments.

If you are looking for osteopaths Melbourne, Melbourne Esteohealth should be your next destination for quality and customized services. Our therapists and specialists are trained and certified and have mastered the art of providing topnotch treatments to pain and injuries. We will never disappoint when it comes to giving the best any time all the time.

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